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Add reject blurhash to Admin setting · fedibird/mastodon@bb68740 · GitHub
Add reject pattern to Admin setting · fedibird/mastodon@7e6afd2 · GitHub
Le Seigneur des Anneaux 1 - La Fraternité de l'Anneau (Livre audio 2018), de John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Thierry Janssen, Daniel Lauzon | Audiolib
GitHub - xlenore/ps2-covers: PS2 Covers Collection
GitHub - xlenore/psx-covers: PSX/PS1 Covers Collection
CSS One-Liners to Improve (Almost) Every Project
GitHub - fifonik/FFBitrateViewer: Visualizes video bitrate received by ffprobe.exe
GitHub - InB4DevOps/bitrate-viewer: Plots a graph showing the variation of the bitrate throughout your video.
GitHub - 86Box/86Box: Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem.
GitHub - jeffvli/feishin: A modern self-hosted music player.
Passerelle himalayenne du Drac — Wikipédia
Host your own mailserver with Dovecot, Postfix, Rspamd and PostgreSQL | Pieter Hollander
Digitize Analog Video with RetroTINK 4K & 5x | RetroRGB
javascript - Cannot open local file - Chrome: Not allowed to load local resource - Stack Overflow
Blue Screen of Death Color Codes - The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values That You Need
VIDÉO. Maison traversée par une piste cyclable, « cycloduc » : bienvenue au paradis français du vélo - Le Parisien
GitHub - vlitejs/vlite: 🦋 vLitejs is a fast and lightweight Javascript library for customizing video and audio player in Javascript with a minimalist theme (HTML5, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion)
actu.fr - Ille-et-Vilaine : ses pièges tuent des milliers de frelons asiatiques chaque année
jwz: Happy Run Some Old Web Browsers Day!
Timeless FM | Forza Wiki | Fandom
GitHub - kurikaesu/userspace-tablet-driver-daemon: Linux device drivers for non-wacom (XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon) graphics tablets and pen displays
javascript - Animate SVG with CSS: first the stroke, then the fill - Stack Overflow
GitHub - argosopentech/argos-translate: Open-source offline translation library written in Python
GitHub - LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate: Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup.
Mallette / scribe · GitLab
GitHub - SmittyHalibut/EleksTubeHAX: A custom firmware for the EleksTube IPS Clock
How to make a bootable Mavericks install drive | Macworld
Triadic Color Schemes
Premiers pas avec le langage Rust - Code Heroes
Tutorial for making an ARM dev board in KiCAD
Koel - A personal music streaming server that works.
Quelle batterie externe choisir pour votre portable ? Test et comparatif des meilleurs modèles