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——————————— September 22, 2012 - Saturday 22, September 2012 ———————————
algo - math - dev -

A while back I got curious about how certain text effects could be acheived, and one of the things I explored was warping text along a curve to achieve a kind of sweeping effect. I created a prototype for this, to explore different solutions. This article contains some general notes on the subject, as I reflect back on this work. The information given here could be used as a kind of cookbook to replicate the work. The original work was done using C# and GDI+, although the concepts are applicable to other frameworks.

sql - server - 2008 - problems -

Performance counter registry hive consistency check has the status FAILED all the others items has PASSED and the setup stops here theonly option is CANCEL

sql - server - 2008 - setup - problems -

I’m sure many of you would have seen this issue when running SQL 2008/2008 R2 setup on a new server. The setup will proceed to install Setup support files, the window will disappear but, strangely enough, the next window never shows up.
